

New T.C. Christensen movie climbs to No. 11 at the domestic box office (Desert News)
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New film tells story of 79 Latter-day Saint missionaries who escaped Nazi Germany (KSL.com)
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Escape from Germany (abc4)
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A new movie in theaters this month tells the inspiring story of American missionaries in WWII (Fox13Now)
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T.C. Christensen announces new film based on the true story of a dramatic World War II escape (KSL News)
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See the True Story of Missionaries’ Escape from Nazi Germany (KSL-TV Studio 5)
Read the articleEscape from Germany Movie (Movie Insider)
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‘Escape from Germany’ tells the true story of missionaries getting out before the war (The Davis Journal)
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“Escape from Germany”: See the Trailer for Riveting New Drama from T.C. Christensen (Meridian Magazine)
Read the article8 War Movies We’re Looking Forward to in 2024 (Movieweb.com)

17 Miracles
The Willie Handcart Company treks across America to the Salt Lake Valley, experiencing many trials and deaths, as well as 17 miracles.

Ephraim’s Rescue
By listening to and following his heart, Ephraim Hanks finds his way in life and eventually provides relief and rescue to the suffering Martin Handcart Company. Based on a true story.

In the Arms of Angels
When eight-year-old Belle Richards disobeys her father, she puts herself and her younger brother in grave danger from a rock slide that would have meant sudden death, had not God intervened. Though she never told a soul about their miraculous rescue, years later her father would know exactly what happened. Through this event, Belle drew closer to God and learned the tough lesson of obedience. A moving example of the power of prayer, a miracle, and God’s grace. Won the coveted Grand Remi Award at the 2004 Worldfest Houston Film Festival

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration
Co-Director & Director of Photography
Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration focuses on some of the events during the life of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, which was both filmed and distributed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Love, Kennedy
Kennedy Hansen, a funny, loving child, inexplicably begins to fall. It takes years for the diagnosis: Juvenile Batten Disease, an extremely rare, terrible, and terminal prognosis. There is no cure for Batten Disease, and after living only 16 years, Kennedy leaves behind a great legacy of love and friendship. But her story doesn’t end at her death; that’s when the miracles really begin. Based on a true story.

Only a Stonecutter
Even after an accident causes him to lose his leg, John Rowe Moyle continued his sojourn to the temple site each week until his death.

The Cokeville Miracle
On May 16, 1986, in the small ranching community of Cokeville, Wyoming, David and Doris Young took an elementary school hostage for several hours before detonating a bomb inside a single classroom that held every teacher and student in the school. In the wake of the madness, Ron Hartley, whose children were inside the classroom, must fight his skepticism and unbelief as he hears eyewitness accounts from the students of miraculous, heavenly intervention during the crisis. When tragedy strikes… what do you see?

The Fighting Preacher
When Willard and Rebecca Bean are called on a mission to a town that’s hostile towards them, they must choose whether to fight for their right to live there or love their hostile neighbors.

Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story
John Tanner freely gave all he had, giving us an example of generosity and consecration in serving the Lord.
Afton, WY
Star Valley Station
Salt River Cinemas
Albuquerque, NM
Century Rio 24 Plex
American Fork, UT
Cinemark 12 + XD
Ammon, ID
Regal Edwards Grand Teton
Anchorage, AK
Regal Totem 8
Arvada, CO
Harkins Theatres Arvada 14
Asheville, NC
Cinemark The Carolina Asheville
Bee Cave, TX
Cinemark Hill Country Galleria (BeeCave)
Bellevue, WA
Cinemark Lincoln Square Cinemas IMAX
Bicknell, UT
The Bicknell Theatre
AMC Classic Billings 10
Blackfoot, ID
Blackfoot Movie Mill
Blanding, UT
San Juan Theatre
Bluffdale, UT
FatCats Bluffdale
Boise, ID
Regal Edwards Boise Stadium 22 & IMAX
BoDo Cinema
Brigham City, UT
Walker 6 Capitol 2 Brigham City
Burley, ID
Century 5
Caldwell, ID
Caldwell LUXE Reel Theater
Casa Grande, AZ
Harkins Theatres Casa Grande 14
Cedar City, UT
Cedar City 8
Centerville, UT
Megaplex 14 at Legacy Crossing + IMAX
Chandler, AZ
Chandler Fashion Ctr 20 (Chandler, AZ)
Charlotte, NC
AMC Carolina Pavilion 22
Chico, CA
Cinemark Tinseltown Chico 14
Chino Hills, CA
Harkins Theatres Chino Hills 18
Chubbock, ID
AMC Pine Ridge 11
Cincinnati, OH
Mariemont Theater
Clackamas, OR
Cinemark Clackamas Town Center & XD
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Regal Riverstone
Colorado Springs, CO
Cinemark Tinseltown 20
Delta, UT
T&T Twin Theaters
Draper, UT
Cinemark Draper + XD
Dublin, CA
Regal Hacienda Stadium 20 IMAX & RPX
Eagle, ID
Eagle LUXE Reel Theater
Eastvale, CA
Eastvale Gateway Stadium 14
El Cajon, CA
Parkway Plaza Stadium 18 & IMAX
Elko, NV
UEC Elko 6
Emmett, ID
Frontier Cinema
Ephraim, UT
Towne Theatre
Eugene, OR
Regal Valley River Center
Evanston, WY
Aspen Cinema
Fairbanks, AK
Regal Goldstream
Farmington, UT
Cinemark Farmington + XD
Fayetteville, GA
Cinemark Tinseltown USA 17 & XD Fayetteville
Federal Way, WA
Century Federal Way
Flagstaff, AZ
Harkins Theatres Flagstaff 16
Folsom, CA
Cinemark Century Folsom 14
Palladio 16
Foothill Ranch, CA
Cinemark Lake Forest Foothill Ranch
Fort Collins, CO
Cinemark Fort Collins
Fort Worth, TX
Cinemark Rave Ridgmar Mall 13+XD
Fresno, CA
Maya Fresno 16 Cinemas
Gilbert, AZ
Regal Gilbert Stadium 14
Glendale, AZ
AMC Westgate 20
Glendale, CA
Glendale LOOK Theatres
Grand Junction, CO
Regal Canyon View Stadium 14
Henderson, NV
Regal Sunset Station
Cinemark Cinedome Henderson 12
Hesperia, CA
Civic Plaza 12
Holladay, UT
Megaplex Cottonwood 6
Holland, MI
Sperry’s Movie House Holland
Hollister, CA
Premiere Cinemas
Honolulu, HI
Regal Dole Cannery STM 18 IMAX & RPX
Hurricane, UT
Coral Cliffs
Hurst, TX
Cinemark Rave North East Mall 18
Idaho Falls, ID
Paramount 4 Idaho Falls
Indianapolis, IN
Cinemark Greenwood Corner
Kailua, HI
Kailua Cinemas
Kallispell, MT
Cinemark Signature Stadium 14 Kallispell
Katy, TX
Cinemark Katy 19&XD (Katy, TX)
Kayenta, AZ
Black Mesa Twin Cinemas
Kemmerer, WY
Victory Theatre Kemmerer, WY
Kennewick, WA
AMC Kennewick 12
Kihei, HI
Regency Kihei Cinemas (Kihei, HI)
Lake Zurich, IL
Regal Lake Zurich 12
Larkspur, CA
Larkspur Landing
Las Vegas, NV
AMC Town Square 18 with IMAX, Dolby
Century 18 Sam’s Town 18
Century Suncoast 16
Cinemark Santa Fe Station
Layton, UT
Cinemark Layton and XD
Layton Hills, UT
AMC Layton Hills 9
Lehi, UT
Megaplex 18 Theatres@ Thanksgiving Point
Little Rock, AR
Cinemark Rave Colonel Glenn 18 & XD
Livermore, CA
Livermore 13
Logan, UT
Megaplex Theatres at University Stadium 6
Long Beach, CA
Regal Long Beach Stadium 26 & IMAX
Lubbock, TX
Cinemark Southwest Lubbock Movies 16
McKinney, TX
Cinemark McKinney Movies 14
Meridian, ID
Cinemark Majestic Cinemas 18
Village Cinema
Merriam, KS
Cinemark Merriam and XD
Mesa, AZ
Superstition Springs 25 (Mesa, AZ)
Cinemark Mesa 16
Mesquite, NV
Megaplex Stadium 6 at Mesquite
Miles, MT
Montana Theater (Miles City)
Missoula, MT
AMC Classic Missoula 12
Moab, UT
Slick Rock Cinemas 3
Montpelier, ID
Centre Theatre
Moses Lake, WA
Fairchild Cinema at Moses Lake
Nampa, ID
Regal Edwards Nampa Spectrum 14
Nephi, UT
Salt Creek Cinemas (Nephi, UT)
No. Ogden, UT
Walker 6 North Ogden Utah
Ocoee, FL
AMC West Oaks 14
Ogallala, NE
Prairie Theatre (Ogallala, NE)
Ogden, UT
Tinseltown Newgate 14
Megaplex Theatres 13 @ The Junction
Ontario, OR
Ontario Luxe Reel 8
Ontario, CA
Ontario Palace 22 IMAX & RPX
Orange, CA
Cinemark Century Orange & XD 25
Orem, UT
Cinemark University Mall
Megaplex Theatres @ Geneva + IMAX
Orlando, FL
Cinemark Orlando and XD
Oro Valley, AZ
Cinemark Century Oro Valley Marketplace
Palo Alto, CA
Landmark Aquarius Theatre
Panguitch, UT
Gem Theater
Pasco, WA
Fairchild Cinema at Road 68 (Pasco, WA)
Payson, UT
Payson Stadium 8
Pearl City, HI
Regal Pearl Highlands STM 12
Peoria, AZ
Arrowhead Fountains 18 (Peoria, AZ)
Pflugerville, TX
Cinemark 20 & XD
Phoenix, AZ
AMC Ahwatukee
Pleasant Grove, UT
Water Gardens Pleasant Grove Utah
Portland, OR
Cinemark Century Eastport Plaza
Prescott Valley, AZ
Prescott Valley 14 (Prescott Valley, AZ)
Preston, ID
Worm Creek Opera House
Price, UT
King Coal Price Utah
Providence, UT
Providence Stadium 8
Provo, UT
Cinemark 16
Provo, UT
AMC Provo 8
Queen Creek, AZ
Queen Creek 14 (Queen Creek, AZ)
Fat Cats Queen Creek 8
Raleigh, NC
Cinemark Bistro Raleigh Grande
Rawlins, WY
The Movies 3
Redding, CA
Cinemark Redding 14
Redlands, CA
Harkins Theaters Mountain Grove 16
Century Park Lane 16
Reno, NV
Century Summit Sierra
Rexburg, ID
Paramount 5
Richfield, UT
Huish Reel Theaters Richfield
Riverton, UT
Cinemark Riverton & XD
Riverton, WY
Gem Theatre
Rock Springs, WY
Star Stadium Rock Springs
Rockwall, TX
Cinemark Rockwall 14 & XD
Roosevelt, UT
Roosevelt TWIN
Roseville, CA
Regal UA Olympus Pointe Stm 14
Rupert, ID
Historic Wilson Theater
Sacramento, CA
Country Club Cinemas 13
Safford, AZ
Victory Theater Safford
Salisbury, NC
Cinemark Tinseltown 14 (Salisbury, NC)
Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City 16 + XD
Megaplex Luxury Theaters @ the Gateway
San Antonio, TX
Cinemark San Antonio 16
Sandy, UT
Sandy Union Heights 16
Megaplex Theatres Jordan Commons + IMAX
Santa Clarita, CA
Ward Radio
Saratoga Springs, UT
FatCats Saratoga Springs
Sedona, AZ
Harkins Sedona 6
Sheridan, WY
Centennial Theater
Show Low, AZ
WME Theaters
Sierra Vista, AZ
Cinemark Sierra Vista 10
Soda Springs, ID
Idan-Ha Theater
South Jordan, UT
Megaplex Theatres @ The District + IMAX
Spanish Fork, UT
Cinemark Spanish Fork + XD
Spokane, WA
AMC River Park Square 20
St. George, UT
Pineview Stadium 10
Megaplex Sunset Stadium 8
Stanwood, WA
Stanwood Cinemas
Syracuse, UT
UEC Syracuse Stadium 6
Taylorsville, UT
Regal Crossroads Taylorsville
Temple, TX
Cinemark Temple & XD
The Woodlands, TX
Cinemark 17 & XD
Tigard, OR
Regal Bridgeport Village
Tooele, UT
UEC Tooele
Tuba City, AZ
Goen Cinemas Tuba City
Tucson, AZ
Cinemark El Con 20
Century Park Place 20
Twin Falls, ID
Magic Valley Cinema 13
Vernal, UT
Cinemas 5 – Vernal
Walla Walla, WA
Cinemark Grand Cinemas
West Jordan, UT
Cinemark 24 + XD
AMC West Jordan 12
West Valley City, UT
Cinemark West Valley + XD
Megaplex Theatres at Valley Fair Mall + IMAX
Window Rock, AZ
Goen Cinemas Window Rock 1
Yuma, AZ
Harkins Yuma Palms 14